Software Engineering Website project was created to encourage education and teamwork in the software engineering industry. Meeting rooms, room availability management, user authentication, homework submission, and user customization are just a few of the features that this platform will provide to meet the needs of both teachers and students. This web application uses a web socket to communicate throughout the meeting. Fast API server on python to fetch user authentication data. Uses ZODB database to store website data and user information.


Software Engineering ALL-IN-ONE Website

How to use

  1. Click on user avatar
  2. Click on login
    • For teacher: Username - 9001 ; Password - 1234
    • For student: Username - 1100, 1101, 1102 ; Password - 1234
  3. Browse through features as you want

    :warning: ANY CHANGES OR UPLOADS WILL PERMANENTLY AFFECTED AND UPLOADED: Be very careful here! Do not upload any vulnerable informations


Install dependencies

  1. You must have Python installed
  2. You must have uvicorn dependency installed
    • Install uvicorn by run pip install uvicorn in your terminal
  3. You must have zodb dependency installed
    • Install ZODB by run pip install zodb in your terminal
  4. You must have FastAPI dependency installed
    • Install ZODB by run pip install fastapi in your terminal
  5. Clone this repository
    git clone

    Run FastAPI server

  6. go to FastAPI directory
    cd FastAPI
  7. Run command uvicorn main:app --reload
  8. Enter http://localhost:8000 in to your browser



Meeting Rooms

Room Availability

Basic Online meeting controls

Audio Video Devices selection

Homework Submissions

User Customization

Security and Privacy